Whether you are an entrepreneur or a business professional, you are likely to face problems such as high stress levels, burn-out, fear of redundancy, low motivation and office bullying.
“People are the lifeblood of every business
All people have problems
When people have problems so do their businesses” - Romilla
Some Common Business Problems
- High stress levels
- Low morale
- Fear of redundancy
- Low motivation
- Poor productivity
- Lack of personal resilience
- Burn out
- Underachievement
- Feeling isolated
- Bullying
- Poor or no team cohesion
- Lack of employee engagement
- High employee churn
- Poor customer service
- Lack of common purpose
- Poorly thought-out or badly executed plans and processes
- Lost sales
- Dissatisfied clients
- Business lost to competitors
- Damaged or bad reputation
- Unhappy shareholders
- High operating costs
- Lost revenue
Whether your business is big or small, whether you are an aspiring business professional, employer or an employee, Romilla’s books, talks and training programmes will help you:
- Make it easier for your stakeholders to buy into your ideas, products and services
- Super-charge your emotional resilience
- Intensify your power to influence
- Cultivate trust
- Boost your personal power
- Gain greater confidence
- Build powerful business relationship with your prospects, clients and colleagues
they will also have a positive impact where it matters most…
on your bottom line
When you’re ready to be more productive and profitable, please contact me.